Sunday, June 05, 2005

Smart Couples Finish Rich

My girlfriend and I are working through this book. We want to get a financial plan, so we're headed in the right direction. We both have more debt than we oughta, that's the bad news. We both have good jobs, and we own our own home (well, we're paying a mortgage). That's the good news.

This book told us to write our values, then write goals based on those values. Here's what we have so far (my goals correspond directly with my values):

My Values

  1. Power – the ability to do what I want, when I want to do it.
  2. Freedom – the absence of restrictions on or claims to my time. This is also the absence of financial responsibility and/or debt.
  3. Family and Close Friends
  4. Health – time to exercise, and the ability to seek medical care when I need it. This includes preventative medical care and regular dental visits.
  5. My Long Term Relationship with Nora

Girlfriend's Values

  1. Bedrock Relationships
  2. Security
  3. Health
  4. Making a difference – volunteer work, lifestyle choices
  5. Indulgence – A life in color, rather than black and white.
  6. Freedom

My Goals

  1. 20% reduction in credit card and student loan debt within 12 months
  2. Debt free in 5 years (credit cards and student loans)
  3. Ultimate Adventurers Inc. self-sustaining in 1 year, and profitable in 5 years
  4. Keep positive control of my health:
    1. Eat 5 servings of fruits or vegetables each day
    2. Compete in a Seattle Half Marathon: Nov 27th, 2005
  5. Organize our wedding for July 29th, 2006

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gringo Chad,

noble goals, and all worth fighting sporadic moments of completely random, 'impending doom' spidey-sense that usually track back to finances are much more few and far between now that my credit card debt is near nil. wish i could say the same for school loans (which increase every new semester - woot!) but in a weird way maybe having all those loans looming forces one into nose-to-grindstone mode more quickly than were one debt-free. anywho, can i ask far in advance if i can start preparing a ditty on my grandpa's old hohner accordion for the coupling of the Chad and Nora unit? i'm getting pretty decent on the thing, which is one of my must-do's for this year. a natural cousin of piano i guess, only vertical, so it makes sense to that part of me, but all the damn chord buttons seem hellbent on not letting me make sounds other than cats pissed on tequila and mushrooms and fighting in the desert with salt water taffy matted into their fur. i guess that could go either really good or really awful at a wedding...? :-) peace and cookies, C...
=monkey x.