Monday, July 11, 2005

Dilemma of the day

I received this message a few minutes ago:
Hi Chad,
We have a non-functioning computer, which is a problem as we have
more providers than computers. Also, can you please see that clocks in the
rooms are fixed. It is not a big deal, but yet another annoyance that
should be easily removed.
(sender's name removed)

These are simple matters for me to take care of, and it's very much my job to do so. What got me was that last sentence. I replied quickly with my plan of action, and nearly, oh so very nearly commented on the vague snarkiness. I even had something written and ready to send. Caution isn't the issue. This person has no authority to hire, fire or write my performance evaluation. My boss does not particularly like or respect the sender of this message. However, the message sender has a history of passive aggression and getting annoyed about things she hasn't told anyone about. This message, even with it's quiet rudeness, is an improvement. If I push back, even subtlely, it may send her back into angry quiet mode. Angry quiet mode soon leads to explosive frustration mode and then blustering to administrators mode. We've been down those roads before.

So, I let it go. If I can fix these easy things for her, maybe her attitude will improve, and she'll lighten up some. It's worth a try.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Taking this attitude and strategy is just one of the reasons I think you're fabulous. I feel a Big Silly Grin coming on.