Monday, March 21, 2005

Ultimate Thor versus the Ultimates

Just keeping track of some things I wrote on Millarworld:


The Ultimates as headed by Cap are becoming fascists, and I'm getting tired of Cap's holier than though attitude. Tony is a slave to the bottle and to capitalism, the others are followers, trudging thoughtlessly behind the flag. Thor, on the other hand, is the classic "one good man" in this book. Mark has done a great job of setting up the god of Thunder as the underdog.

All of you who are pulling for Cap have clearly been duped by Loki.

That's my reading of the book, anyway.

Normally, I hate hippies as much as the next person. Thor is the good kind of hippie, though. Yes, there are two kinds of hippies: The first want everyone to share because they have nothing to give. The second are people who really believe that a better world is possible, and they're willing to live the life and walk the talk of their ideals. Thor is the second kind.


I realized today that one of the reason's I'm pulling for Thor is that I'm a sucker for the "one good man" plot device. Whether it's High Noon, Halo or good ole' Stone Cold Steve Austin, when it's one against many, there's no question who I'm pulling for. Even if the "one man" is wrong, he has my sympathies. In this case, I also like Ult Thor more as a person and as a character.

Having said that, having a favorite isn't the same as predicting victory. The Ultimates are well established as the clear bad-asses in the Ultimate universe. Thor's work is cut out for him, that's for sure.

I can't wait to see what Mark (Millar) has planned.

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