Saturday, March 08, 2008

WoW Screenshots with Context

Here is a great picture of Sasquatch. I believe this is off one of the Thunder Bluff hills.

This is another of Sasquatch pic from Thunder Bluff, but in a very different setting. What are those two doing in the background?!

Here is a recent pic of Shadrachgrey. You can see he still has those immense pauldrons on his shoulders. Those took many hours of service to the Defilers to earn. Yesterday I traded them out for some Outland blues. That helmet is one of my favorite pieces of gear. I hope he doesn't outgrow it soon.

I'm having loads of fun with Shadrachgrey these days. It's refreshing to tear shit up the way that fury warriors are trained to do. With the Sunwell Plateau content coming up soon, and Wrath of the Lich King shortly thereafter, I'm trying to get him to 70, so I get to play along with all the big kids.

I'm trying to make a point of doing more instances with guild mates. It's a very different game, which requires very different play from soloing, running battlegrounds, or teaming up Iresine.

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