Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Structure of Romantic and Sexual Relations


My mother recently got a 10 month old yorkshire terrier. Abby (the dog) isn't a minitature, mind you. This dog is 10 pounds small, not the ridiculously fragile 2 - 3 pound kinds that kinda creeps me out.

I've always been fond of terriers, probably because my childhood dog was a mongrel terrier thing; there's something about that active minds, reasonable size and general attentiveness to the world that draws me in. Although Yorkies are technically toys (accoring to Wikipedia), they behave very much as terriers.

Abby definitely still behaves like a puppy, but doesn't have any of the yappiness commonly found in small dogs, she's small enough to be easily picked up when needed, but active enough to take care of herself. All in all, it's a good combination that I think would work well in the city.

Anyway, it makes me want one. With two cats, a small house and no yard, the time isn't right, but maybe in a few years.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Spam has evolved

The Nigerian prince spam is so frequent, it, and its derivatives no longer deserve mention. Today, however, I discovered something new and interesting in my gmail account's spam box:

"Old Witchcraft Secrets" will show you in detail, how you can cast powerful spells.

Make your wildest dreams come true.

It's NOT your fault that your spells and rituals aren't turning out like you want... YET.

The truth is... you've been misled by self-proclaimed powerful wizards and witches...
and the truth is that 99% of these 'professionals' are DEAD WRONG!

In fact, a lot of what they say will actually diminish your powers.

They don't want you to know the right way to cast spells because if you did, you'd never need
them again and they would lose their power!

You cannot invent 'new' spells like you cannot invent a new tree. Everything is old. But
not everything is known in the right way.

Get 3 Spells just for visiting our site

As you know, many witches and wizards are FURIOUS about this. Why?

Because it reveals the true forgotten secrets of witchcraft. Secrets more powerful than what they
can do through their very expensive services...

Soon, everybody will be able to do this at home,
more effectively, cheaper and faster....

You've seen some ridiculous prices on the internet for
getting a spell done. It's obvious they are
getting rich off of normal people and their problems...

Once you know their secrets, you won’t need to give them your money!

I've personally tested this information, and some of the
old forgotten stuff is mind blowing: it's accurate, effective
and quite easy to do.

Discover The Most Powerful Spells and Secrets

Visit Here


Platinum Success, Inc
Zieglergasse 38/8, A-1070, Austria

8550 W. Desert Inn Suite 102-194
Las Vegas, NV 89117


Monday, February 19, 2007


I'm very fascinated by Frank Herbert's Dune books these days. I had to upgrade my old tattered bindingfree copy and upgrade to a shiny trade paperback.

One thing I noticed was the lack of humor in the series. Most of the greatest novelests find ways to infuse some humor into their stories about the human condition.

I mean this only as an observation and not as a criticism; the quality of the series speaks for itself.

I read the entire series about ten years ago and was hopelessly lost for most of it. I'm doing much better this time (All that reading I did in college HAS improved my comprehension!).

Leader Test

Friday, February 16, 2007

Which Fucked Up Genius Composer are You?

Which fucked-up genius composer are you?

Tom Waits... charismatic story-teller with a penchant for freaky people and unusual settings. You thrive on the concept of the underdog coming out on top.
Take this quiz!

Quizilla |

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Friday, February 09, 2007


I think I heard about this on NPR a few months ago, but it was recently linked to from The Bus Chick's blog.

It's an interesting idea. The idea of exchanging carbon pollution with environmentally friendly donations may be the wave of the future.

Since getting rid of my car earlier this year, I've been feeling very good about my impact on the atmosphere, but we have a long airplane ride tentatively scheduled for later in the year. This provides some balance, even though the emissions can't be directly removed, of course.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Which Science Fiction Writer Are You?

I am:
Isaac Asimov
One of the most prolific writers in history, on any imaginable subject. Cared little for art but created lasting and memorable tales.

Which science fiction writer are you?

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Stuff Gone!

Nora and I took two loads of stuff to Goodwill today. Hooray for us! Hooray for Flexcar! Hooray for Goodwill! We may be having some windows replaced over the next couple of weeks, so we can't quite reorganize permanently. That day will come soon though, and that's great for two recovering pack rats.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Dylan vs Warhol

We saw a trailer for "Factory Girl," which appears to feature Hayden Christensen as a young Bob Dylan. I'm a huge Dylan fan, and a bit of an Andy Warhol fan, so to see the story of one versus the other is too delicious to pass. Yes, of course I'm concerned that Anakin will stink it up. However, I do believe that George Lucas is a terrible director of actual actors. That may explain Hayden's terrible performance as Anakin Skywalker. He may do alright under different circumstances.

Riding Metro

Nora and I were on the 48 this evening, coming home after spending the better part of the afternoon watching David Lynch's Inland Empire. We stopped at Mcclelan st and Rainier when the driver announced that we had to pause for a minute. With both doors open, we sat. And sat. We were only two stops from our own, and very much in walking distance, but I kept thinking we'd start any moment. We were probably there for five full minutes, which is a long time to stop a bus for no apparent reason.

Then, the number 7 passed us, and stopped. A police car parked in the turn lane in ahead and to our left (naturally).

A young black man in the back began making somewhat crazy sounds, "oh mamma, oh mamma...." and no fewer than three police officers boarded our bus. And they took the young black man into custody. He didn't resist, and they didn't use excessive force. They seemed to know him by name. They mentioned that he'd dropped 'dice' during the minor scuffle; Nora and I assumed that was a rock form of drug. Crack or Meth, or possibly heroin.

A few moments later, we continued on our way. As we thanked the driver, she mentioned how happy she was that her evening was almost over. I thought it was a fascinating adventure, but it's probably the sort of thing a driver can do without.