Borrowed from my recent post at YMB:
This is slightly off topic, but maybe I can pull it back:
Leadership in comic books is nothing like leadership in the real world. This really came into focus when I became the Condo President. Like Association members, most super team members aren't getting paid, don't necessarily have much in common with their fellow members, and aren't motivated to participate in the group.
Some books like JLA and Teen Titans get around this with their personnel choices. Professor X, is fairly realistic because he's a father figure who can manipulate the situation (with or without using his telepathy) and people for his agenda. But what about Cyclops? It is assumed that Cyclops is a 'born leader,' but what does that mean? Would his team mates really be motivated to fight for him? Maybe the original team would, but the others? He's really a boor with little charisma. Yes, I believe he has superior tactical abilities, but that's simply not enough.
It's similar with Captain America. Yes, it's been established that he does have great charisma and that people want to follow him, but I'm not sure if that's really been done authentically. In the real world, supervisors and association president's can't just bark orders and have it considered 'good leadership.' Good leadership takes practice, training and varies from group to group. For example, Superman can get his JLA friends to do things a lot easier than Cyclops could get Wolverine, Gambit and Colossus to do what he wants.
In the military, soldiers are known to fight much harder for leaders they care about. Yes, they'll obey orders either way, but they can be very passive aggressive with leadership they don't respect.
To pull this back on topic, I would make sure each team's dynamic really makes sense, and I'd like to see the dynamic handled more realistically. For example, how many times have you had a boss explain something to you, then you did it the way you understood, and turn out that your understanding was completely different from your boss's vision. It's pretty common in the real world, yet almost unheard of in comics.
Rio Revenge; the journey home
7 months ago
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