Thursday, June 16, 2005

New Building

The hospital will be completing construction of a new wing next Spring, and I'll be involved in the move. This will be a huge project to be accomplished in a very short amount of time. When we moved from the old wing to this one, we had 2 1/2 work days to move everything out of one, into the other. Operations started promptly on Tuesday morning. I imagine this will be the same.

Last time, the feeling was of general discoordination. I very much hope to reduce the sticky points, to make this as smooth as possible. Not only will this be a way for me to shine, it will be an authentic way for me to help the organization and my peers.

Here is what the director in Facilities advised so far:

"We are just now in the process of looking at the timeline for moving into the new building and should have a better understanding in a couple of months. We will certainly have more conversations with the ambulatory team as soon as we have a little better picture of the issues. What we are currently thinking we will do is more in to the new building floor by floor...moving offices at the beginning of the week and then clinics on the Thursday/Friday of the week over a 2-3 week period of time.
What would be helpful now is to really look at your space....5S whatever you can....take a look at the utility rooms and dispose of items that is are not needed....inventory the exam table. and hi/lo many of each color. It also would be helpful to inventory the wall hung view boxes (newer style...and whether they are single or double) well as how many new otoscopes/ophthalmoscopes, stadiometer, scales, etc we have....we will need to move all the equipment that is in good shape. "

I realized that I already did an inventory when I filled out the Hazardous Surveillance Survey, since most of that equipment needs to be inspected. Some only once, some annually. So far, so good. The real planning begins over the next couple months.

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