The Courtland Condo Community (er somethin' or other) Association annual meeting is today, and it promises to be interesting.
The association has had a year filled with conflict, confusion and change. One way or the other, this is the dawn of a new day. Of the community's eight units, two have new tenants. Another has been here less than a year and hasn't seen an annual meeting before. *Counts on fingers* That's 3/8ths new blood or about 38%.
There is definitely an expectation for the new folks to step up and participate. This is a good thing, because the old group has had too much chaos, too much history, too much drama, and it sounds like they don't know how to run a meeting or run parliamentary procedure.
Just the day before the meeting there seems to be ... irregularities with a few of the units. Specifically, the owners who have made the loudest assertions of an illegal board, the owners who have threatened legal action if improper conduct is proven and not rectified, owners who have suggested that the rest of the group is racist, those owners may not actually 'own' their unit. If they don't own the unit, they don't have a place in the association. In fact, according to the by-laws, the board of directors of the association has the right to evict them.
I'm a little concerned that last year's board wants to delay elections because of this discovery. This election is already a month overdue, and our only chance at civilization is to stay organized and to follow the appropriate laws, by-laws and rules to the letter. This is the only way we can differentiate justice from infighting, and to avoid a witch-hunt.
Rio Revenge; the journey home
8 months ago
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