Sunday, June 24, 2007

Harvey Campbell

We had a great gaming session today. Now I want to document the high moments in my character, Harvey Campbell's role-playing existence:

Was given a peak into the spirit realm by the Akashic Master in northern California

Punched in the face by a Ghoul. Ghouls are strong. It hurt. This happened because Harvey didn't lock his car door.

Single handedly defeated three Men in Black (this is factually inaccurate because Harvey's compatriot Greg Davies used mind powers to nudge the last, wounded adversary into flight). Two out of three were killed.

Shot in the neck with a nanobot/robot dart. He fled the battle, magically converted the nanobots into water and returned to the battle.

Met and negotiated with 'Neb,' the ugly Nosferatu vampire. Twice.

Met and allied with the Garou. Is friends with 'Cleave' and 'Carla.' They healed him.

Sprayed a ghoul dog with acid. Then shot him with an aggravated bullet.

Paradox Backlash I: received shock during the catastrophe outside the vampire club. That was a poorly planned venture.

Paradox Backlash II: All Foci turned invisible, Harvey lost his own vision. This faded over a matter of days. This probably wouldn't have happened if he'd burned off or avoided some of that Paradox earlier.

Harvey's research led directly to discovery of Garou.

Feels partially responsible for the murder of defeated and captured ghouls. His cabal has no way of handling prisoners.

Also, feels some guilt about the death of MIB's during combat.

Got shot in the neck by an MIB while concealed as an Asian woman and suffering from Paradox Backlash II's affects.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Michael Moorcock and Andrea Dworkin

I ran across this article in which Moorcock interviews Dworkin, and Dworkin clarifies (and partially disavows) the 'intercourse equals rape' assertion that's been tied to her:

Michael Moorcock: After "Right-Wing Women" and "Ice and Fire" you wrote "Intercourse". Another book which helped me clarify confusions about my own sexual relationships. You argue that attitudes to conventional sexual intercourse enshrine and perpetuate sexual inequality. Several reviewers accused you of saying that all intercourse was rape. I haven't found a hint of that anywhere in the book. Is that what you are saying?

Andrea Dworkin: No, I wasn't saying that and I didn't say that, then or ever. There is a long section in Right-Wing Women on intercourse in marriage. My point was that as long as the law allows statutory exemption for a husband from rape charges, no married woman has legal protection from rape. I also argued, based on a reading of our laws, that marriage mandated intercourse--it was compulsory, part of the marriage contract. Under the circumstances, I said, it was impossible to view sexual intercourse in marriage as the free act of a free woman. I said that when we look at sexual liberation and the law, we need to look not only at which sexual acts are forbidden, but which are compelled.

The whole issue of intercourse as this culture's penultimate expression of male dominance became more and more interesting to me. In Intercourse I decided to approach the subject as a social practice, material reality. This may be my history, but I think the social explanation of the "all sex is rape" slander is different and probably simple. Most men and a good number of women experience sexual pleasure in inequality. Since the paradigm for sex has been one of conquest, possession, and violation, I think many men believe they need an unfair advantage, which at its extreme would be called rape. I don't think they need it. I think both intercourse and sexual pleasure can and will survive equality.

It's important to say, too, that the pornographers, especially Playboy, have published the "all sex is rape" slander repeatedly over the years, and it's been taken up by others like Time who, when challenged, cannot cite a source in my work.

While I'm still on the Playboy and pro-porn side of this fence, this puts a different spin on what I'd been led to believe.

This interview happened in 1995. At the very least, Andrea needs a new publicist. As long as 'intercourse equals rape' is associated with her, her credibility among otherwise like minded pro-feminists is completely undermined.

I Love the Internet: Pirates of Silicon Valley; Michael Moorcock; Stumble

Last week I found The Pirates of Silicon Valley on Youtube. It's there in 10 minute chunks, so you can watch as you want.

If this is new to you, Pirates is a made for cable (TNT, I think) biography telling the origin of Bill Gates/Microsoft and Steve Jobs/Apple. There is surely dramatic license taken, and both Bill and Steve are portrayed as broken people, I found it both informative and entertaining. Apparently Xerox is responsible for the modern look of computing. Their corporate office didn't know the power of what their west coast team had developed, and allowed Apple to steal it away. Then Gates and his crew snuck in and stole it from Apple. That's how MacIntosh and Windows were born.

Just today I found two articles by Michael Moorcock which describe his opinions on Tolkien, Heinlein and many other science fiction writers of his day.

The first is "Starship Troopers," the second I've lost in the Ether of the internet, but it has something to do with Tolkien and Winnie the Pooh. Michael Moorcock is something of an anarchist, so he takes issue with the authoritarian themes in these popular writers; he also takes issue with the quality of the actual writing. While I haven't been persuaded to toss out my Tolkien, he makes some valid points worth considering.

I've also been using the Stumble add-on to my Firefox browser entirely too much. The damned thing is as addictive as hell. It turns out you can set your profile to 'adult' if you want to see the naughty stuff....

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Mage: The Ascension

This week I created a list of devices used by my Mage character. Some are purely stolen ideas, others are fairly original.

Harvey Campbell’s Gadgets

Short-range rocket-glider
Forces 2

Two compressed gas tanks, upside down with a simple, mundane igniter. A pair of small, retractable glider wings is mounted beneath. The wings are useable without the rocket propellant for pure descent or when particularly useful updrafts are present.

In game terms, I expect these to be paradox free for short distances (reflecting current jet pack technology). The longer the distance, the greater the chance for paradox. Forces magic is used to reverse and adjust gravity’s affect on Harvey. The rocket pack is relatively noisy (like the 60’s batmobile), but the glider function is silent.


Dr. Obrastoff’s Ether Blanket
Forces 2

This converted electric blanket changes its color, to duplicate the surrounding environment. When functioning at its highest level, this blanket can actually make its user seem to disappear. This is likely to cause an imbalance in the Ether if not handled properly.


Hansen’s Ether Electric Key Maker
Correspondence 1, Matter 2, Prime 2

With a quick push of a button, this small device scans a nearby lock and manufactures the perfect key. The button pops back up to its previous position when the key is ready.

This device can be plugged into Harvey’s Ether glasses to scan locks that are far away.

Hooks to belt

Epistemological Ether Evoker
Correspondence 2

This pink, spherical sphere is baseball sized, and has two buttons, one on either side. The first is triangular, the second is oval. Pressing both buttons activates the ward. The buttons are notoriously sensitive to pressure, which require very precise handling for maximum affect.


Emerald Incisor
Correspondence 2, Forces 2

This device has one cable leading to his watch, and the other to Harvey’s earpiece. By pressing the buttons on the face and side of the device, Harvey can create a direct telephonic connection to any other phone in the world.

Hooks to belt

Grand Matter Mega Nullifier
Matter 2

This device closely resembles this raygun

It fires liquid, gas and blue laser light. It also uses compressed Ether with the laser’s radiation to convert the liquids and gases to other types, as desired. The gun also fires irradiated Ether which can convert any substance into any other similar substance.

Holster on right hip
EFGA (Ether Fueled Gravity Adjuster)
Forces 2

This skeletal exoskeleton allows its user to lift extremely large objects. When not in use, it folds nicely into a small briefcase.


Matter 3

This screwdriveresque device moves, adjusts and reshapes objects as desired.

Bag or pocket

Hand Powered Mega Manipulator
Prime 2 & 3

Part hand held barcode scanner, part hand drill, this device absorbs, adjusts and exhausts Ether.


1st, 2nd and 3rd Eyeglasses

Correspondence 1, Forces 1, Matter 1, Life 1, Prime 1 / Correspondence 2

These glasses have three small devices connected, plus a Bluetooth like earpiece. Each subdevice can be disconnected and used separately, though the scanning quality is much greater when used with the main structure.

The other use for these glasses is to find the small rifts in the ether, then through careful manipulation of the dials and small switches on the glasses’ frame, look through the realm of Ether in such a way that Harvey sometimes forgets that the locations are not adjacent.

Pocket or worn