Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Thirty-one days

Thirty one days until the wedding. We had our first of three dance lessons on Monday. We're grinding away at the music selections, the RSVP's are rolling in. There seems to be an alarming number of non-responses so far, but I've heard this is normal. A fair number we can guess at, since they're close friends.

I plan to get fitted for my Tux tonight.

I need to finish shopping for my groomsmen!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Other runs

I've been on two runs since my last 'run' post. One was on Sunday, the other today. Both went well. My knee was a little sore after my Sunday run, but today, so far so good.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Steel Battalion

I totally can't afford it, but I've ordered Steel Battalion on

It comes with a special controller that you sit in. How could I resist?

Friday, June 23, 2006

Today's run

Little longer, probably 3.5 milesish

No knee pain.

Avoided sidewalks, did a lot of path running, and I wore my brace and stretched thoroughly.


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Minor injury

My knee has been acting up for a couple of months, and not in the usual way. Before, it only ached when I ran too many hills, or overdid some other way. I've learned that it's best not to increase frequency, speed and distance all at the same time.

Lately my right knee's been sore even after relatively short and slow runs, even when I'm not overdoing it whatsoever.

I went to the doctor yesterday and learned that I have Runner's Knee. Thankfully, it isn't major, and I can keep running while I do exercises to strengthen my interior quad, which will, in turn, keep my kneecap in the right place. I'm also wearing my brace with every run, and keeping my distance steady, and avoiding hard surfaces when I can.

Grass is softer than the road. The road is softer than the sidewalk. I didn't know that last one before.

Today's run was good. I ran to the I90 overpass, wore my brace, didn't go too fast, avoided the sidewalk when I could, and I feel good. I also stretched my anterior muscles (hamstrings and calves) before and after.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Wedding Honeydo List

disclaimer: not necessarily exhaustive

Things for you to do:

-order keg (half)
-arrange for dance classes (I'd prefer Monday, Wed, or Thursday nights
if a
-get fitted for tux
-ask your father if he wants to wear a tux
-order ice cream cake
-check in with Christie re: attendance and boys' attire
-seating chart
-gifts for your attendants

Things that would be easier with a car:

-TJ's run for white wine and bubbly
-Safeway run for red wine (on sale until the end of June)

Things on the general/both of us list:

-Display/Costume for tiaras, medals, ribbons
-University Village for AV cord for iPod
-New Holly for testing iPod and timing processionals
-program details
-quiz questions
-meeting with Donovan (caterer)
-meeting with Rob (photographer)

Other major bits:
-wedding license (must get before Wed of Wedding Week)
-banquet permit (before Monday of Wedding Week)
-New Holly payment (Monday of Wedding Week)
-rental pickup (Wed of Wedding Week, I believe)