Friday, December 23, 2005
Chad in 'state of war' with Sudan
Monday, December 19, 2005
Drink the Kool-Aid
On Friday I predicted, outloud to a witness, that the Seahawks were going to the Superbowl.
There were a few moments on Sunday when I was sure I'd jinxed the entire season.
I wonder what it is about my brain that believes these irrational bits of thought, time and time again. Of course I know that nothing I do can affect the game. Well, I believe in the home field advantage, and I believe the crowd can affect a game, but that's different. I don't believe that the Hawks will win or lose depending on the jersey I wear, or whether I'm watching on TV, or whether I admit out loud that I think I'll win.
It's similar to those damned Dead Nigerian Prince emails I occasionally receive. To this very day when I read one, I get a quick rush of excitement. The fortune could be mine! But of course it's fake, and I know that.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Find the supplies that appear on the most carts. Those will become standard supplies and will be found in all the new carts.
Find the supplies that are used most frequently. When appropriate, those will be stocked in the rooms. The supplies that are also in the standard carts will be stocked in all the rooms. The others will be in a modular system that is clinic based.
Maybe MA's will have trays or something to put the non-global supplies in.
Reality Bytes: Eight Myths About Video Games Debunked
Monday, December 12, 2005
Quick Analysis
They have a very real chance of winning on Christmas Eve against Indy because Indy has already locked up homefield advantage and a first round bye. They may not bring their A game. On the other hand, the Hawks may be in a similar position, so it may wind up a game mostly against both B squads.
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He's lying, or he's stupid: Bush says 30,000 Iraqis killed since war began
In answer to a question about the Iraqi death toll, Bush said about 30,000
Iraqis have been killed since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in March 2003.
Bush's figure for the death toll among Iraqis was in the range given by
Body Count, a U.S. British nongovernmental group, which currently says
between 27,383 and 30,892 civilians -- rather than all Iraqi citizens --
been killed in Iraq since the invasion.
Its figures are based on
media reports, which often fail to capture all
deaths in the country. Other
estimates, including one done by scientists and
published in the medical
journal Lancet, put the civilian death toll as high as
Either he's lying, or he's flat ignorant and stupid. Those are the options. Every day is a new embarrasment for our Mad President George.
He's lying, or he's stupid. He's lying, or he's stupid.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Then I'll sort the remainder items and add some of that stuff too. Some of the current carts are shared, so items on those carts will weigh heavier.
Next question is what to put into the rooms.
Supply Breakdown v1.0
1 item appears 7 times
20 items appear 6 times
21 items appear 5 times
35 appear 4
53 appear 3
83 appear 2
197 appear 1 time
I have 7 lists in front of me. When I'm finished, I'll have 7 new lists.
I could go item by item and see what appears on which carts. It would be intereting to know what items appear on all the carts, or most of the carts. It's also good to learn which items are oddballs for specific useage only.
I might put them all in a column in Excel, sort by Item number, then see how many times they appear. I like this idea. Seems pretty efficient. I will then have to cross reference cart numbers with the actual name and location, but that's not so bad.
Warren Ellis stuff to remember
In summer 2006, I'm going to belaunching an ongoing title at Marvelcalled
newuniversal. No capital N,no capital U. We refer to it in-houseas
NU -- and I might have called itNU, if it didn't always suggestnu-metal to
me.The central concept, these days,also looks kind of generic. WildCards
did it, RISING STARS did it,etc etc. Something called The WhiteEvent
occurs, and afterwards ahandful of people are found to havebeen made
superhuman. So far soblah. But, in looking at this stuff ona webpage
one night, it occurred tome that that's not what happened.What actually happened
was thatthere was this huge astronomicalevent where the skies went whiteall over
the world for a minute, andthe aftermath was that the lawsof physics had been
There's a sf book by a writer calledVernor Vinge where the laws ofphysics
are radically differentdepending on which part of thegalaxy you're in.
Conventionalphysics' dirty little secret is thatthe speed of light appears
There is, as I say, a whole libraryof science fiction
aboutsuperhumanity. These are notsuperhero novels. Some lean
closerthan others, of course -- Zelaznyand Saberhagen's COILS comes tomind, and
SLAN was very clearly aprecedent to the X-Men. Butthere's a lot more that
speaks to,if you like, the superhuman condition. Melding that with
thenotion that suddenly the laws ofphysics can go and stay slightlynuts... In
one six-hour session, Igenerated a bunch of notes abouthow and why this could
happen,with some ideas from some oldabandoned projects of mine (fromthe Loose
Ideas folder) fittingthemselves into it...
Sure, it's not exactly cut from wholecloth. Like I said, it's a
writingchallenge. Blows the cobwebs out abit. Makes you focus on the
craft abit. Sometimes it's worth sittingdown and thinking, what *does*
make a Marvel character work?(Answer: tragedy.)
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Olerud bows out quietly
John Olerud, who walked straight off the Washington State campus and into the major leagues 17 years ago, is calling it quits.
The veteran first baseman, who spent 4 1/2 seasons with the Mariners before being let go in the middle of the 2004 season, made his wishes known through the Boston Red Sox.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
The hit
Largent's revenge hit allowed the Seahawks to get the ball back and may have saved that game.